Thursday, May 11, 2017

Homeopathic Eating and Perfect Health

We've been eating all wrong!! Yes, for the past few millenias, we have not understood the human body or how to nourish it through natural simplicity!

The human body is a remarkably capable sentient machine! It is powerful in ways that most of us have not yet imagined! The human body is in fact an extension of the planet Earth and of the Universe and is therefore in constant energetic communication with all that is.  

In this piece I will share with you, how we can transform our bodies into perfectly healthy free energy machine with no to minimal financial cost!  To do this, we must first understand that our bodies and consciousness are simply energy.  We must also accept that everything we can see, touch, hear, smell, or imagine is also energy.  The second thing that is important to realize is that the energy composing our perceivable world is all connected with no spaces or gaps between objects.  This means that the 'air' between two mountains, or a tree and a river is actually and energetic channel between the two 'objects'.  All objects though seemingly of various densities are actually a fluid stream of energy and consciousness of the same density.  

Okay, that's really cool, and it may sound complex or be difficult to fathom; however, the best part is that you don't have to REALLY understand all that to get the evolutionary health tip I am about to share with you! We can each attain perfect health through something I call 'homeopathic eating'.  

Homeopathic eating is a way to nourish and balance your body through frequency, which can be programmed into drinking water.  Let's break that down. Okay, so homeopathy is a healing science whereby very small quantities of a substance are administered to person -- say, a very much diluted drop of flower essence in a cup of water; which in turn creates an energetic rebalance & significant boost in healing.  The human vessel is an energetic body composed of various frequencies that we call elements, molecules and cells.  Each of these elements, molecules and cells (Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen etc.) have a particular frequency, and can be nourished via pure frequencies of the same vibration. The key is for the nourishing frequency to be high vibrational and pure.

Here are three ways to nourish and heal your body via Homeopathic eating:

1) Homeopathic programmed water: Add a very small amount of frequency (a mineral, element, nutrient etc) to water and mix it well.  For example, mix a small amount of spirulina (1/8 tablet) into a cup of water and drink it.  The frequency of the spirulina will be programmed into the water and nourish the body the same as a much larger dosage - say 8 tablets of the spirulina would!  Spirulina is a good example being that it is a true super food and is known to powerfully nourish the body and brain. A glass of water with a drop of lemon homeopathically contains and identical frequency and nourishment as would be drinking a more concentrated mixture of lemon water of lemonaid. 

2) Light: When light shines on an object, it enhances that frequency.  So light shining on the ocean of a tree in a pristine forest will generate an energetic field equivalent to the vibration of the water, trees and plants it illuminates.  This is a nourishing energetic bath capable of healing and energizing the human body.  

3) Prana: Prana is the air we breathe.  With each breath we take, our body is being nourished with all the life giving frequencies found in air including Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and many others.  So, now that we have a deeper understanding of the beauty and simplicity of frequency, I will now outline three simple steps we can each take to find perfect health and to completely absolve us of a necessity to eat!

Step 1)
Prepare and consume homeopathic waters regularly! Water with a drop a lemon, maybe a drop of ocean water, perhaps a bit of a super food berry or powder.  Mix it up! Leave in a jar in the sun for a few minutes or consume immediately.  Get to know your body and the frequencies it needs! Use, crystals! How about Gold!!

Step 2) 
Spend as much time as possible out in the sun, and in natural environments.  Beaches, forests, jungles, gardens, mountains and green fields are best! The light permeating through and reflecting off of nature will nourish the body which is energetically One with nature.

Step 3)
Again, spend as much time outdoors in nature and breathe deeply.  Eventually prana - the breath of life will be all we need!

We can return to perfect health by loving and bathing our bodies in the simple and natural frequencies it is composed of and needs.  Synthetic materials contain complex frequencies that our bodies do not need. Processed foods also contain complex frequencies our bodies do not need.  By following these simple steps, we can return to simple and magical living while honoring our bodies with the energies it thrives upon. 

This simple, conscious and evolved state of being is best achieved in the natural, clean and pristine environments of the world as opposed to areas high in pollution and synthetic development.  As more of us do this, we'll greatly accelerate the greening of our planet! 

We are infinite creators! Aloha and much love!
