This is powerful information that we can use to deepen our understanding of Life as well as to direct it to our liking.
As members of the collective consciousness of humanity, we have each experienced fear, separation, lack, control and competition. These were both the tools and fruits of the 'old path to abundance'. The old path used scarcity to destroy and limit our abundant resources for all but a few. We are now seeking and finding a new path to abundance which serves all of humanity and out planet equally.
What is the 'New Path to Abundance'?
The new path to abundance is the realization that we each have an abundance of love and beauty within us. Abundance is available to be experienced by us all as we allow this great love within us to over-flow out into our world in its many forms including: kindness, creativity, service, laughter, encouragement, support, co-creation, peace, genius, celebration and acceptance.
Judgement is a cancer. Each moment of judging another distracts us from focusing on the love within and how we are able to share that love most effectively. Acceptance is key to the new path of global abundance. The new abundance is not about taking, hoarding, greed or selfishness. The new abundance is about giving, sharing, creating and allowing blessings and resources to flow where they are needed. Synchronicity and flow not struggle or control.
We are learning that there is more than enough for all beings on this planet to live a comfortable life of prosperity and abundance. The new focus for humanity is about giving energy rather than getting things. As we are each unique beings, we each have unique energy and gifts to share. Time in meditation and stillness can help reveal our authentic selves to our selves - and with that we are given the blueprint to authentic being, authentic self-expression and abundant living.
As we each re-write our consciousness to this new understanding of abundance as an expression of the infinite love within, so our outer worlds will reflect this beauty and magic. The new abundance is marked by an awakening, an opening of the heart, a feeling of Unity with the other beings of our world and a quantum shift in consciousness into such.
I encourage and support you and all of humanity as we dive into this sacred inner-journey towards the realization of the limitless abundance within the authentic you, and the great gift of Gaia - our beautiful planet.
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