Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Shooting Star

shooting starAnd each night Charmz, the New Age Prince would venture outdoors into a naturally blissful and splendid place.  Now, looking above the gentle sway of the worshiping trees, 'I Love You' he would whisper to the stars and from a smile in his heart.

In this moment, a brilliant burst of light would streak across the deep blue sky in the form of a magnificent shooting star.  'And we love you', the star screamer would sing back to the Prince.

But on this night, under the sky and in the blissful space, Charmz had much joy in his own heart.  With arms outstretched and seemingly diving upwards towards and through the heavens, 'I Love Youuuuuuuu' Charmz shouts towards the celestial beings.  Belting out this powerful vibration; using all of his energy, so much of his heart and not any of his mind at all.

In this moment, the entire Majestic planet would leap right off of its orbital path, departing abrubptly from her co-flight with long time companion; the Sun.  Rocketing faster than the speed of light, hurling through the heavens, galloping through the galaxies, transforming completely into a divine messenger.  A streaking, shooting, streaming beam of light, the former Majestic Planet herself had spontaneously evolved into a shooting star, a burning blazing heart of love. A fire, flaming the filaments of the universe; violet flames of purple passion, fizzling through the cotton clouds of creation.

This is Love.

Prince Charmz

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Magic App

The Magic App

Back in the past, before the great events, Charmz sits silently in his botanical study, eyes closed and typing magical words into his Macbook.  Now entering the room through arched marble embossed doorways stage left is the beautiful Zayani, rather than carrying her usual electric guitar, she is attending to a trio of red roses in her delicate hands.  Approaching Charmz with a delightful smile, she asks, "What are you typing in that Matrix box of yours?”  'I’m writing an app', Charmz replies nonchalantly. "What does it do?”  "Its a levitation app".  "How does it work?”  "It uses light and sound frequencies" Charmz answers.  "I'm just finishing up, would you like to try it out with me later this evening?”  "But of course dear prince",  a melodic confirmation playfully dances through Zayani's cheerful lips.

Later that evening, Charmz and Zayani climb into Charmz's solar powered street train venturing for a ride and excited to test out the levitation app.  "We'll just have to drop by and pick up some of our friends,” mentions Charmz. The duo zooms off into the streets of L.A. chugging along in the light powered train.  The solar train has a shiny silver engine and three brightly coloured cars.  The colourful cars are glowing translucent paint jobs, the first is an aqua blue with white trim, the second is having a shimmery yellow with red trim, and the third car is softly glowing a purple colour with pink trimage.

Zipping through the urban city, now along the coast and then up and down majestic mountains; Charmz and Zayani pick up 8 children in total.  There was, Channi, Soleya, Zu, Chen, Atreyu, Ayana, Hannah and Star. The children are age 3-10.  Upon seeing and hearing the bright train, each of the children joyfully cheered, danced, skipped and hopped into their favorite car; joining the friends with glee.

Continuing their journey, Zayani sings sweet melodies to the children as they chu-chu through the expressways of L.A.  As the group of friends travel, they are cheered on by many other children, being chauffeured in the back seats of neighboring cars as they pass by.  Because the light train is from the future and is now in the past, when most people see it, their minds perceive it to being an ordinary car, and that is how it appears to them in their reality. To them the street-train is not a magical train; it is simply an ordinary car.  A very clean and colourful, yet ordinary car being driven by Charmz, accompanied by the beautiful Zayani and with a great many happy children piled in as passengers.  Yes, of course street trains do not exist, not in this time :).   Many of the children however are able to see the light train as it truly is; floating, glowing, and vibrantly shinning in its gloriously stunning magical form.  The solar train projects tracks in the form of light holograms just ahead of it.  These magical light-rails are what safely guide the train over any terrain.  Though the engine of the light train is silent, it projects a soft musical chugga-chugga-choo-choo sound and it floats gracefully above the pavement throwing sparkles of light around it in all directions.

It is now just before sunset and the timing is perfect as the group of friends pull up to the happy forest where they will have a small adventure this evening.  Exiting the train, the explorers begin to venture deep into the happy forest in wonderment, laughing, playing and sharing the enjoyment of all the magnificently fragrant, colourful and vibrant life forms around them.  Purple frogs, blue rabbits and splendid trees with a million curvaceous branches spiraling high up to the sky are a few of the glorious sights to behold.

Just as the sun is setting, hundreds of brilliantly coloured fireflies begin to take to the skies.  As the cloudless sky darkens, the moon and stars become charged with luminosity.  Charmz asks the friends to each get out their mobile phones and to turn on the Bluetooth receivers.  Upon beaming the levitation app to Zayani and each of the small friends, their phones begin to glow in bright colours and sing angelic tones.  Just then, the children each, along with Zai and Charmz began to feel a weightless sensation as they where gently lifted off of their feet and into the fluffy air.  Laughter, smiles and wide eyes take over the faces of each as they all began to float up to the tops of the great trees.  The fireflies now begin to swarm around the blessed children rejoicing in celebration as there floatation secret had been shared.

Dancing in the air, the children played many care-free games for hours though it did seem to be an eternity.  Just as the moon began to glow is glow fuller and brighter than ever, it was Charmz who first began to float at an unintendedy faster rate.  He then began to spiral and dart out of control through the trees of the happy forest.  And now, one by one, each of the children and Zayani too began rollercoastering through the forest out of control.  Speeding up, slowing down, spinning, spiraling, rising and lowering in summersaults, loops and cartwheels; this adventure had taken a turn into the land of utterly complete bliss and uncertainty.  The great trees of the happy forest each kindly moved their branches asside and away from the mostly unpredictable paths of the flying children; keeping them unharmed and also not to ruin the excitement and joy of the flow. It was Zayani who in her wisdom was first able to turn off her levi-app thus, returning to a state of balance in mid-air floatation.  As the children each turned off their apps, she would float beside them protectively.  Soon 5 of the children were secured by the guitar hero, all hugging a portion of the levitating Zayani with her three red roses still in possession.  Charmz was able to secure the other 3 children keeping balance with his platinum hover-shoes from the future. Now all together the friends began the graceful descent returning safely to the earth's surface; Zayani using her big hair as an umbrella and Charmz drifting peacefully with his hover-shoes.  Charmz apologized to the friends: "looks like there's a bug in the app", he said with a small chuckle.  "I guess I didn't factor in the amplification of the levi-signals by the energetic field of a full moon, I’ll fix that in the morning" he laughed.  "No! Don’t!!!" shouted one of the children playfully.  Lol lol haha haha haaaaaa they all laughed their way back to the light train.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Magical Journey to Lyria (Chapter IV)

After traveling hundreds of thousands of Light Years, in less than a week of Majestic Planet time, Charms and Merkaba decide to do some sight seeing in the elegant galaxy of Ariah for this last leg of the Journey to Lyria.  Now traveling at speeds close to, but usually not exceeding the speed of light, this final skip to the destination will take nearly one month.  

Serene yet also exciting and glorious, these days of exploration are spent soaring past some of Ariah's most vibrant and powerful stars, each bursting with an intense life force energy of its own. When passing by stars at fairly close distances, Charms and Merkaba are slightly morphed and mesmerized into warped versions of themselves.  Their bodies undergo a modest and beautiful form of transfiguration.  Emotions are felt as never before experienced and their creative thoughts are influenced in the most splendid ways.  The stars are powerful gods commanding over their own mini-universe, orbiting around their core.  Shining, gleaming and beaming divine creator energies carelessly outward in all directions; the stars continually flex their unique powers to construct, de-construct & re-construct living reflections as expressions of their own vibratory image with keen awareness and intention.  

The explorers gradually return to their previous emotional, physical and mental states as they travel further distances from the Suns.  At times, breaking the solar spell is less than joyous for Charms as he often enjoys experimenting in his new body and creating from within his new mental capabilities and perspectives.  

Another past-time of the Star-Dancing Prince is to slowly cruise above interesting planets while flashing lights and beaming playful messages down to the inhabitants.  Often times the natives will join in on the game, returning with messages of their own kind; most commonly lights, sounds and telepathic thought vibrations.  Throughout his travels, Charms has also encountered beings of a more belligerent kind.  On more then one occasion his friendly messages have been returned with spectacularly radiant blasts from advanced and unknown weaponry.  In avoidance of these more perilous adventures, Charms has made a habit of performing a vibration check on a solar system before entering.  Using his intuition and aura reading abilities, he is able to safely steer clear of the lower and darker frequencies.  Of course this is not always possible with the prevalence of worm holes, star-gates and inter-galactic portals.  An invisible portal with a strong gravitational pull can make it quite impossible to avoid uncharted voyages.  For Charms this is one of the most exhilarating aspects of star travel.  The great journey into the unknown. 

There are some planets whose beings are without advanced technology. They exist within the confines of much simpler cultures.  Quite often, these beings are completely content in their own world and have little interest in star travel.  They live in complete harmony amongst themselves enjoying the seemingly limitless experiences available to them via the diversity of life-forms existing on their home planet. When encountering these beings, the laughing Prince enjoys creating a spectacle perhaps via flying visibly irregular patterns, flashing lights, orbiting moons, teleporting, hovering or the like.  He is then able to further entertain himself by telepathically tapping in to the thoughts of the natives, listening to and enjoying the fabulous myths created about their celestial visitor.  In fact, Charms plans to return to the planet Xerai as the Xerains have prophesized in their sacred texts that a blessed Angel (in fact Charms himself) will return in their year of 3033.  The myth has it that this Angel will light up their night sky as he orbits their largest moon, enshrining it with a halo of love and light.  For the Xerains, this event will signify the return of "Zai-re", who is revered as one of their greatest prophets.  This blessed return of the prophet "Zai-re" also marks their entrance into a new Age of freedom and transformation.  Charms and Merkaba often dream and plan of ways to make this phenomenal return of Zai-re an event so astonishing that it is miraculous far beyond the Xerain's most fantastical "myths".

After 25 days of adventure and exploration in the galaxy of Ariah, it is time to make a majestic descent through the purple skies of Lyria. 

As Merkaba's navigation system draws her closer to a bright and shiny yellowish dot floating in the void just ahead, the spherical object gradually comes into focus as the brilliant red and gold planet of Lyria. Now in neon thruster mode, Merkaba begins to orbit the shimmery planet at a speed of approximately 2,000mph.  Charms, now with a soft smile on his face passively looks for the Lyrian Intergalactic Airport while enjoying the sites of his beautiful panoramic view.  After a few minutes of sightseeing, the well lit landing zone comes into view.  Merkaba begins to make her descent through the cloudless, yet rainbow stratified atmosphere of Lyria. The Lyrian landing zone is an enormous and impressive structure.  The actual landing pad is one tremendous circle, having seven smaller circles of one-third diameter within it.  Six of the smaller circles are aligned beside one another just within the circumference of the large circle, tangent to the larger circle and to one another.  The seventh smaller circle is directly in the center of the larger circle sharing its center-point with the larger circle, and tangent to each of the six other smaller circles.  This smaller center circle has many concentric circles within it.  The other six smaller circles are beautifully decorated with sacred geometrical patterns within them.  All of the circles are glowing in beautifully coloured lights; constantly morphing, transitioning and  swirling into every imaginable colour.    

With one last neon burst, Merkaba begins her descent down and through the soft Lyrian atmosphere.  Now within Lyria's gravitational field, the spaceship must only steer while allowing herself to be pulled towards the landing pad.  Falling through the Lyrian atmosphere is a wonderful experience.  From the ground her sky appears to be consistently violet for the majority of the 63 hour day until close to sun-down when the violet begins to transition through an unpredictable cycle of rainbow colours dependent upon her emotional climate and season.  In this moment, a green beam of light shoots up from the center of the landing pad's concentric circle formation. The laser gently attaches itself to Merkaba in a welcoming gesture, assisting in her guidance to a safe landing.  

The laser beam is able to affect the navigation of the starship, somehow making the descent less challenging.  Now gliding over the golden oceans and lush red jungles below, the large circular landing pad along with its seven inner-circles begin to flash a soft white light in unison.  Almost slowing to a hover, Merkaba turns on her pretty neon thrusters for effect-only, prepares her landing gear and begins to level out in anticipation of a smooth touchdown. Now, with pink neon thrusters flashing, a bright green cloud of light illuminating her underside, and a soft ambient auric glow around her, Merkaba makes a delicate landing directly over the green dot shining from within the flashing concentric circles, fitting perfectly in the smallest of them which apparently had adjusted for her size. 

Still within the navigation chamber, Charms removes his hand from the holographic navigation panel, clasping them together before him.  Breathing deeply, a moment of silence is taken to thank the Angels for the blessed journey across the Universe. As Charms begins to open his eyes, he is able to see a glass chamber emerging from the surface of the landing pad about 50 meters away from the ship.  The chamber seems to be empty; then, in a flash, it is filled with a bit of smoke and some shimmering lights.  Instantly now, three beings can now be seen standing within the chamber.  A door slides up as the three beings exit the Lyrian teleportation chamber and begin to slowly approach the ship. Merkaba opens her exit portal allowing Charms to meet and greet.  As his left foot connects with the Lyrian ground, Charms feels a wave of intense and joyful energy flow throughout his body.  Startled for a moment, his smile brightens even more as he makes eye contact with the beautiful Lyrian welcome team.    

The four beings come to a halt a couple of meters from one another.  There appears to be one male, one female and one androgynous looking Lyrian comprising the welcome team.  The androgynous being lifts both of its palms facing Charms as do the other greeters.  Charms follows suit, raising his palms in a sign of peace.  The androgynous being greets Charms with the traditional Lyrian greeting: "Laa-ruu Ya-At".  "Laa-ruu Ya-At Ya" replies Charms with a smile.  Also smiling, the Lyrians pass a magnificent beam of energy into Charms through the palms.  Charms receives the blissful jolt welcomingly.  Charms now notices that he is looking eye to eye with the Lyrians who, very tall at nine feet, were certainly not quite as tall as he perceived himself to be only moments ago.  Yes, the energetic  jolt from the Lyrian's paws had transformed Charms a bit.  He now stands nine-feet tall as the majority of  Lyrians seem to be.  Through their magic, it is their custom to raise or lower the height of their visitors to no more or less than the nine-foot standard height of all Lyrian adults. This is done in a most gentle way and does not alter the feel or proportions of the visitor's body in any other manner.  

The Lyrians are a very beautiful feline-humanoid group of beings.  Their faces are catlike, resembling the face of the lion species; though, their eyes are a bit larger and their noses a bit slimmer.  Their bodies are covered in a smooth luxurious fur ranging in colour from rich oranges to soft and bright yellows. A minority faction of them embody a range of pretty green hues as well. They have long sleek tails with a ball of fur at the end, which they sometimes use to tickle one another.  They walk upright on two legs and are wonderful swimmers.  In fact, their children spend much time exploring the warm lakes and seas of Lyria, splashing and playing with each other, and the plethora of aquatic animals therein before entering adulthood.  

Double tapping the face of his bejeweled watch, now giving a verbal command to Merkaba, the light-ship begins to dissolve into a cloud of light and energy. Then, as if touched by the wind, she streams herself into the glowing face of Charm's watch as a bolt of lightning flowing in slow-motion.  This extraordinary watch performs a number of spectacular functions, though telling time is the least of which.  Of course, here in the Majestic Age:  the age of intergalactic and multidimensional travel, time itself is malleable, non-linear and obviously relative.  Within the realm of timelessness, time is merely a fictional tool that can be used to actuate ideas, realities and experiences within a particular virtual-time and virual-space.  These time-space experiences are illusions layered within the infinite and eternal NOW moment. 

And yes, Merkaba is a spark of light-intelligence kept quietly in the face of Prince Charms' watch.  Her existence is owed to the Pleiadians who graciously gifted the people of what was then known as planet Earth a generous assortment of infinitely advanced technologies. This exchange occurred shortly after the Great Shift of 2012 which birthed a rapid transition into the Majestic Age.  The technical aspects of this particular technology is quite simple:  photons of light are bonded together to form molecules and physical matter.  In short, a blueprint is projected into a hologram, which is then crystallized into solids.  The consciousness aspect is a bit more complex.  Bestowing consciousness into an 'inanimate object' involves a series of rituals usually performed by masters. The nature of the consciousness is unpredictable as it involves the preexisting consciousness and subconscious intent of the environment, those performing the ritual, and the vibration of the object which is the sum vibrational total of its parts.  Because all of creation is conscious and aware inherently, the ritual mostly entails a modification of the realm or vibration of that pre-existing consciousness.   

Now as Merkaba is folded back neatly into a single spark of light-intelligence beneath the surface of Prince's watch, she can be seen joyfully dancing about as a tiny star, a sparkle of light-energy. And so, the three Lyrians now begin to pridefully escort their new friend into their teleportation chamber and back to the Intergalactic Welcome Center.