Saturday, January 14, 2017

Crystal Light Plasma Healing Chamber

(Complete Healing with CO2 Gans & Water)

Any condition or disease effecting the physical body can be treated and healed with CO2 Gans & Water.  The universe we live in is electric and energetic.  The subtlest of these energetic building blocks of our world is Plasma which can be thought of as a pure ball of
energy -- or a single unit of magnetic and gravitational fields spiraling around a core (a  position in time and space). By working with plasma, we move into the unseen world of creation and material organization.  From this level of awareness, we can gently structure, create and interact with all aspects of  biology, chemistry and physics from its heart-center.

Everything is plasma! When the plasma is essentially small we call it plasma.  As plasmas group together via interaction of their magnetic & gravitational fields they form what we call atoms, molecules, cells etc.  As the groups of plasmas grow in particular geometries and shapes, our physical universe is born.  We give these infinite and complex groupings of plasmas names such as an apple, cloud, dolphin, car, house, Angela, Sarah or Neon! As the nano-plasmas interact with each other colliding, stretching and bending, light is born!  Plasma is not destroyed in this process, only its phase and position is altered. So, because light is created from the movements of plasmas, and all that we see (and don't see) is essentially plasma, we can understand that given the right conditions, all matter is not only capable of producing light, but is in fact light.   

Now that you understand that everything is plasma & light, I shall share with you a simple way to illuminate the human body and return that vessel to a state of wholeness, wellness & health using plasma/light!

CO2 Gans shares the gentle, peaceful & powerfully healing plasma fields of Carbon and Oxygen Plasma.  These plasma fields are in a sense, the perfectly healthy, vibrant and energetic archetypal versions of Carbon and Oxygen matter.  They produce magnetic and gravitational fields that are full, vibrant and balanced. They are the light, or the love of Carbon and Oxygen!  Along with hydrogen, the human body is mostly composed of these three elements, then having nitrogen and lesser quantities of 100 other elements.  CO2 Gans is a high frequency, fifth dimensional version of CO2 matter state.  It is able to raise the frequency of the matter state.  In essence, CO2 Gans will re-energize, illuminate, expand, and rebalance all cells containing Carbon and Oxygen. As we mentioned, plasma is responsible for organizing the shape, structure, strength and therefore function of biological and chemical matter.  Understanding the true composition of the human body, and that distortions in ones subtle energetic fields is the true cause of disease, we can now use CO2  Gans (and other Ganses) and plasma fields to restore vitality and light to the cells of the body!

Understanding that the human being is plasma, and that plasma retunes and heals matter, our task now is simple: understand how to use plasma, how to emmerse the body in right combination of plasma fields!  We can imagine how we can rebirth our bodies and souls with this completely noninvasive and gentle science of vibration, light and subtle energy.  There is one other thing we must understand about plasma -- plasma & Gans interfaces with consciousness, thoughts and emotion! Consciousness, thoughts and emotion are plasmas in fact! Because of this simple and powerful fact, prayer, intention and peaceful emotion is vitally important to healing with plasma.  So, the simple blueprint to healing any condition with CO2 Gans, water and plasma fields is as follows:

1) Prepare or acquire CO2 Gans 
2) Program water with CO2 Gans (Water can be prepared via direct or indirect vibrational contact with Gans or by adding Gans directly to water)
3) Prepare some CuO2 Plasma Water (1-2 cups perhaps)
4) Pray over the water and embed healing intention emotion towards the water, yourself and towards the subject!
5) Fill a bathtub with warm water + CO2 plasma water + CuO2 Plasma Water
6) Add Quarts crystals to bath water (optional)
7) Allow subject to drink 1 liter of CO2 plasma water 10 minutes prior to getting in the tub. (optional)

This simple and elegant procedure can be use to treat and heal any condition effecting the physical or emotional body!  CO2 Gans penetrates 3cm beneath the surface of the skin when applied topically.  This heals skin, hair and many other conditions. Internal organ issues such as brain, heart, lungs, liver and cancers may be a bit out of range for a topical application.  For internal healing we include step 7 and have subject drink CO2 Plasma Water with a bit of CuO2 (2 teaspoons). Combining internal and external plasma illumination will create plasma fields strong enough to cover the entire body, its complete surface and internal organs.  Crystals of quartz, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, emerald etc may be added to the plasma bath to amplify the plasma fields! A pinch of sea salt crystals added to the drinkable plasma water can also amplify healing effects. So, we have in effect created a 'Crystal - Light Healing Chamber'! A subtle, complete, gentle and blissful light chamber to raise vibration, illuminate the body with light, restore, rebalance and heal!  

Oh! This procedure (experience) can be further enhanced with in understanding of the healing properties of light and color (chromotherapy).  There is a relationship between the healing properties of the Ganses and their colour! With this knowledge we can create a deeper healing harmony between crystals of specific hues (vibrations), Ganses and an intentional manipulation of the visible light spectrum within the environment!

If you would like to try this procedure, I have made the required Ganses available here ~> via my Non-Profit organization Zen Wav 

**Note** Mahalo to fellow Keshe Knowledge Seeker Ryan McCrory for adding to this knowledge by suggesting the addition of Essential Oils & Gans/Ormus particles to the healing bath!

Peace, Perfect Health & Blessings to All!

in LoveLight,

Neon Prince



Monday, January 9, 2017

Plasma, Gans and the Spaceship Institute

In October of 2016 Dr. MT Keshe of the global and decentralized Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute released the 'Power for Peace' initiative; which gifts our planet with Free Energy (Plasma Energy) technology in exchange for world peace.   At this time, Keshe delivered a small blue box - a working Magrav free energy device to 'world leaders' (political delegates) representing many countries -- along with a mandatory global peace treaty as part of the deal.  The Keshe foundation shortly thereafter released the blueprint for the free energy device, making it available online for all of humanity to recreate and further develop.  This simple and powerful technology contained within in it the seed and potential to completely nullify our modern dependency upon fossil fuels as well as the ability to effortlessly reestablish our natural environments (clean air, land and water) and restore perfect health to the human being; while,  creating global abundance, prosperity and peace.  I downloaded the blueprint and began developing the technologies while studying the freely offered teachings as I integrated in co-creation with the Keshe Foundation global network of knowledge seekers.  

The beauty and truth of the KFSSI plasma technology is that it is so simple anyone can do it! There are literally children (such as my 5yr son Djxani) and great grandmothers who have sought the knowledge and taken up the joyful challenge of reimagining and rebuilding a new and harmonious planet through plasma technology!  

There are four major aspects to this unlimited and 'new' field of science: 
  1. Nanocoating
  2. Gans (plasma)
  3. Plasma fields  
  4. Soul manifestation/integration/embodiment 
Nanocoating is a simple and varied process by which ordinary materials are converted into super-conductive receiver's/transmitters.  This is quite a material science and can be as simple as transforming copper wire (plate etc.) into a nanocoated, superconductive copper based material via the application of heat or a flame.
The GANS (gas at a nano state) is a magical and subtle material with infinite applications ranging from agriculture, healing, food & nourishment, material creation to space-fuel!  I will share more on the GANS later.  
Plasma Fields are the balanced and subtle energetic fields that program and organize nature and matter!  Beyond the proton, neutron and electron we have plasma environments which are responsible for the creation and organization of atoms, molecules etc.  At the Keshe Foundation, we teach and learn how to create conditions to manifest realities & matter via the harmonization of nano-material, GANS and plasma fields.  Because everything in the material world is what it is because of the positioning and balancing of plasma fields, there is literally nothing we cannot alter or effect via the understanding of plasma fields.  
GANS is a subtler branch of the science than nano materials, and even subtler and more powerful is soul creation.  The human being is a plasma (e.g. has a unique auric field) and we each contain billions (infinite actually) of combinations of plasma fields within us.  Through the understanding of our emotion, soul and physicality, we are each able to restructure, manipulate and interact with our internal and externally manifested reality in a conscious & unlimited fashion! This requires discipline, focus & purity of the soul.  For me, the most powerful and rewarding branch of the Keshe tech, it reveals that the human being is indeed a spaceship, a free energy device, an infinite being  and a co-creator of reality at every level!

More on the magic of GANS.  GANS is in the essence of matter, it is in fact the Love or the Soul of the matter we perceive.  GANS is the unconditionally loving and giving, higher frequency, fifth dimensional counterpart to matter.  For example, when we create a GANS from gold, that Gans can provide our soul, subtle body & material vessel with an unlimited amount of love and joy that could come from gold in its matter state.  Gold is beautiful, healing, energetic and raises frequency.  Gold GANS creates beauty, is ultra healing, has a powerful yet subtle energy and raises frequency to incomparably higher levels!  GANS can be captured in water or dried.  Under caring conditions it should not degrade.  A small supply of GANS can last indefinitely and can be used to program water, to heal, to create matter and to fuel or charge plasma devices (anything in matter state!). 

The Fifth dimension is a dimension of Oneness, Unity & Love.  Because GANS is a fifth dimensional material, it is always unified with its environment and always healing, giving and harmonizing. A jar of GANS can be thought of as a billion tiny suns arranging themselves into a galaxy via the subtle balancing forces of their toroidal magnetic and gravitational fields. The energy from GANS is always healing as it gives what needed for harmony, while removing that which inhibits harmony!  It is always finding and creating a symbiotic balance with its environment.  The energy from a jar of Gans (captured in water) or materials including Gans as an ingredient can be felt and absorbed ambiently.  Gans programmed water can also be drunk or utilized in infinite ways.  Gans is natural, organic & non-toxic and can be applied to biology and biological systems for vitality, harmony, communication, healing, energy etc!

One of the most powerful Ganses for human application is CO2 Gans.  CO2 Gans is ultra healing and can be successfully used to treat, heal and resolve any disease or condition!  After drinking only CO2 plasma water & tea for 44 days, I feel as though I no longer have to eat and usually only eat a small salad every day or two for socialization and integration with the plant kingdom!  

Thanks to the MT, Keshe Foundation and the Love of Gans, we can create a world of peace, abundance, prosperity and unity through only meditation or via the utilization of simple materials such as: salt water, copper, zinc, fire & coconuts!! 

Peace and Love to All!!!

-Prince Charms (aka Neon)