Friday, September 3, 2021

Why We Cannot Hate Anyone

 As humans on the Ascension path, we must make a conscious effort to choose love in each and every moment.  Love expands.  When we love any one thing for long enough, that love begins to expand beyond the initial point of affection.  For example, if one loves playing the bass as I do, she/he may at some point grow a love for playing percussions as well.   The more i play my bass, the more I desire to experiment with and learn to love playing other instruments as well.  This is simply because the mind is entrained on how to experience a health relationship with love.  The love will eventually expand to encompass additional areas of one's life.

The same is true for hate and fear.  They always expand.  It is important to never hate anyone, because it is impossible to hate only 1 person.  
This is what will happen if you hate someone.  The hate you have towards this one particular person will expand until you hate many people for similar reasons that you hated the first person.  For example, if you hate Derrick because he is messy; eventually, you shall hate Mary if she is also messy.  Not that the hatred will apply to every person deemed messy, but being messy will now have become a generally accepted criteria decent enough in and of itself for you to apply feelings of hatred, judgement or unkindness towards another.

Judgment allows us as egoic humans to separate the ocean of God consciousness into good and bad waves and droplets.  Returning to self-realization as an aspect of Source/God requires us to see all beings and things as perfect and lovable expressions of Source.  

Hatred always separates and destroys the perfect mosiac of God's Love.   We cannot hate anyone, because hating anyone is hating ourself and hating Source/God.  So, we have every reason to love everyone and everything!  Unconditional Love is the path of remembrance which returns us to Source through the blissful garden of New Earth.

I Love You!

-Prince Charms

IG: @OnlyLoveCanLimitUs

Photo Credit: Phoenix Soleil

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