Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Angel Garden

And Yes!! It is here and NOW! The glorious and magnificent day has come! 

The beautiful beings, the light-workers self-chosen to undertake this magical collective mission of planetary ascension have succeeded with great flair and elegance.  These so called light-workers united as a soul group in higher realms before their earthly 3D births. Each being agreeing to join heaven and to play a specific and unique role in contribution to a rapid vibrational elevation of an entire planet.  In this grand divine play, Gaia would be transformed  from and through the  illusory 3D consciousness of separation, fear & lack.  Gaia would be re-birthed into a unified and blissful 5D consciousness of peace, unity, oneness, abundance, bliss and love.  These courageous and immortal beings each took on a dense 3D earthly vessel, one seemingly subject to harm, decay & death -- 'realities' unknown in their various high-frequency star-systems of origin from across the galaxies & beyond.  Now wearing these earthly costumes, incarnated as humans the light-workers where strategically spread out across the globe, being placed in every continent and culture of the world. As earth amnesiacs, cloaked in diversified physical features of all ages and ethnicities, they would know each other only by a subtle light within.  a gently perceptible  auric vibration and spirit which they each shared.  Within their DNA, each carried dormant codes.  once unlocked the codes would reveal to each being  her magic, her unconditional love, his unity with source, his purpose, her beauty and his unique role in divine service to the breathing planet.  For thousands of years, incarnation after incarnation, these magical codes existed,  patiently waiting for the moment to to awaken the light-team to their mission & service to all beings of Gaia seen and unseen, to all of humanity, to the universe and to heaven.

And so it was, as heaven gave the signal, Gaia began her awakening, thus awakening the Light Workers as well, unlocking their DNA and kicking off a subtle remembrance that would slowly but surely spread to and through all of humanity.  A knowningness of ones infinite and unlimited nature began to seep in to the collective consciousness.  A feeling of love and unity with mother earth, father sky, the plant kingdom and the elementals began to grow in the hearts of the sleeping human.  The Light Workers were the first to acknowledge these feelings within their hearts, they began connecting with one another and modeling a new way of life to each other and to the world.  A sacred way of life vibrant with an ancient wisdom honoring and revering nature. A seemingly radical yet all to simple way of life where LOVE becames the solution to all of the worlds percieved problems.  

Magically drawn together, they co-created.  Grounding frequencies of higher LOVE through kindness, sharing, gardening, music, art & all forms of creativity. This new consciousness of living simply, joyfully, connected to all that is and LOVEing all that is, continued to grow and spread from heart to heart for many earth years.  One heart awakening another, each spreading increasing light & love through their thoughts and actions.  Each opening up their soul center to recieve more and more truth from the diamond heart of Gaia -- channeling harmonious energies from our sacred sun, moon, stars & star beings.  And NOW, after the great shift, and after the many proceeding shifts, downloads and alignments...

NOW we find ourselves here.  We are here on a beautifully lush and green hill surrounded by a perfectly balanced diversity of vibrant trees and vegetation.  We are atop the hill, below the mountain, overlooking the gorgeous blue ocean with waves dancing below infinite blue skies and fluffy white peace clouds above us.  And the magic of the New Age is here.  We are here and NOW overlooking most vivid display of magic and mystery.  Before us is the glorious Angel Garden.  As if appearing overnight, one sacred day, the most gorgous, fragrant, and diverse collection of Angel spirits spontaneously manifested on the slope of the hill in the form of magically brilliant flowers.  A miracle garden with luminescent harmony flowers singing  thousands of uniquely identifiable colours from an infinite spectrum ambient rainbow.  Acres and acres of beautiful, peaceful & happy spirits living within the pedals, blossoms and leaves of celebrating flowers, one of Gaia's most sacred & joyful creations.  Biological light codes growing and arranging themselves spontaneously in the most awakening sacred geometrical patterns.  The Angel Garden, a sacred crop circle of sorts magnificently alive with the most vibrant and neon colours ever communing with the ocean and the sky.  A labrynth of love, colour and life announcing light within a subtly sacred geometric alignment; a portal of illumination.  Dancing with the wind, kissing the sky and singing with the birds a song of glimmering magic that would heart awaken any being with eyes to see or a nose to smell or a soul to feel the LOVE therein.

The Lightworkers have completed there mission.  The ley-lines, the grids of Light are now re-connected. You NOW re-member who you are, and so do I.  We remember that more than being here to save Gaia, we are Gaia.  Remembering our oneness with the mother as grand as she may be.  We remember that not only is love the answer and the way; we remember that we ARE LOVE... And LOVE is who we shall be.   

This angel garden was seeded by angels, planted by Gaia and watered by heaven.  An immortal and eternal monument of the New Age, marking a the begining to a new experience on this planet and within this galaxy.  We are experiencing the maturation of a beautiful planet.  An experience of Unity, Joy, Magic and ONEness.

Let the crystal waters and golden-white light nourish the garden of Angels within our own hearts.  And let us plant the seeds of love all across this Angel Garden planet... 

There is an Angel in every Flower.  There is an Angel in every Heart!!


<3  N30N

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