Monday, December 12, 2016

New Earth Is Here

If life is an adventure (which surely it is), then New Earth is a theme park, a joyful journey with magically fantastical surprises and gifts for you around each and every corner.  I am here now to share with you the idea and in fact the reality that the New Earth: the magic, joy, peace, abundance, miracles, laughter, health, unity, connection, creativity and the light of heaven is here NOW and for us!  The pearly gates to the land of Light have opened wide and the blissful energies of brilliant light and love just beyond their passage are pulling us in with supreme gravity and grace!

This pristine and pure New Earth, this Heaven on Earth has been successfully created within the higher realms through our collective consciousness, heart-centered prayer, our intent and the desire expressed from the depths of our truest collective soul.  We all wanted to see a world of peace, prosperity, of global unity through brother/sisterhood and to live in abundance, ease and joy!  It was our desire to re-create the global family, to support one another in the spirit of acceptance, gratitude and unconditional love.  It has been our collective wish to know and remember who we each truly are, to celebrate one another, to embody our greatest and highest version of self, to unlock our gifts and talents that we might share with the world and entertain ourselves through our own divine creativity.  It has been our heart's prayer to remember our Unity with our Mother Gaia and to live in harmony with her once again.  It has been our destiny to return to truth, to reconnect with the universe, God, Source Energy, Prime Creator, with pure spirit and to see the Light!  Congratulations to All of us!  Our wish has been granted!

As we each step into New Earth at the perfect moment in which our Soul is ready to do so - as it has learned its lessons and completed its higher purpose, we each step onto center stage.  A new and beautifully balanced world begins to take form around us and is continually rebirthed from our imagination. We re-learn how to create from our core power, how to create from our soul synthesis.  We manifest new ideas, concepts, experiences and materials through the mastery of our thoughts and emotions and the fine tunement of our ever expanding frequency/vibration.

As you have noticed, sychronicities are increasing rapidly, consciousness is expanding and harmonizing & time is speeding up!  This is all due to the fact that we are all reconnecting with Source, activating our DNA, unlocking our dormant abilities and subconsciously co-creating our experience from a finer and purer level of intentionally.

There are a few things we can each remember that will support us in our re-ascension or re-awakening to the heavenly realms with grace. We must honor one anothers experience and choices through compassion, allowance and support - we are each little lights of the divine with a unique soul journey to complete! Stay grounded and in a state of peace! Miracles, magic and anomalies are here and now.  Literally anything is possible as our universe is entirely re-shaped around us! Our beautiful planet shifts geographically & energetically as she re-aligns with her higher expression.  Human relationships personal & collective evolve & shift, as do our relationships with the stars!  Fact merges with fiction as timelines are shift. We begin to see, hear and feel that which we have not felt before.  Our bodies, minds and energetic fields are being upgraded so that we can exist in a world of higher light as beings of Light!  Fact merges with fiction as timelines shift.  Eventually time, the matrix and causation completely fade away ushering in the infinite potentiality of the NOW!  In times of great transition such as this one, chaos can be a catalyst for change as old structures are dissolved in order to rebuild newer and more aligned ones!  Once again, be the calm within the storm, be the peaceful observer, spend time in silence, creative expression & nature; we are the Creators of this New Earth and it is time for us to Shine as the New Human, the beings of Love & Light we know ourselves to BE!

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