Sunday, August 20, 2017

Eclipse Portal Gathering of Souls

Calling all Star-Seeds, Light Workers, Indigos, Crystals, Earth Angels and Heart Centered Beings. The time is now for us to unite our frequencies forming a harmonic energetic grid with the intention of healing, unifying and raising the vibration of our planet. Whether in dream time, meditation or through conscious heart-centered intent, you are invited to join this Rainbow Light tribe gathering of tribes.  Together with Angelic, Galactic, Cosmic and Planetary support, we create a powerful energetic circuit, covering the globe and extending throughout the universe and beyond.  As we unite in vibrational aligment, our ability to transform our world is limitless.  You & I hold within us the codes of compassion, peace, unity and love
With opened hearts we are a critical mass birthing a new reality of peace, abundance, unity, prosperity and gratitude through our intent to be that. Shining our light, living our truth and remembering our connection to nature and source, we have successfully completed the task of connecting crystaline grids, and activating planetary ley lines which will assist us in furthering this mass awakening driven transformation.   The old matrix is no more.  Say hello to the New Earth, the New Human & new way of being. We are deleting the templates of fear, separation and greed.  We are replacing these templates with new energies of love, unity & abundance.

As we return to our hearts, calling in our Sol-Star and Earth-Star energies, embodying our full spectrum light in physical form, we accept our power and responsibility as Sovereign Beings and Creator Beings of Light.  We honor and accept our bodies as divine vehicles through which this expansion of consciousness can animate.  Through joy, gratitude, bliss & peace we find our freedom in Unity Consciousness, our merkaba light bodies illuminate as cosmic DNA codes activate.  We are sacred geometrical beings of compassion, light and sound.  As we join in harmonic symphony, vibrating high resonance energies of love, truth and purity, we align ourselves and our collective with Gaia's 5D Star Tetrahedral plasma energy field and its materially expressed New Earth holographic reality.  Connecting in person, through the internet, etherically and telepathically, on this great solar eclipse of 2017, we create a critical mass of consciousness with power to initiate a quantum leap star gate portal aligning us with our Great Central Sun through our Solar System Sun.
This solar eclipse star gateway unifies us. This gateway of unified polarized light and darkness grants us the clarity of truth, remembrance of our connection to all that is and of our core power as creator beings.  We now embrace our freedom and ability to choose our timeline experience  through intent and frequency. This great shift is now upon us and marks a massive dissolution of the veil which incoming flux of photonic light.  This is the end of polarity integration, the return of Niburu the beginning our our new Golden Age of Light.  We are witnessing the birthing of a star nation right here on planet Earth!

Yes, this all has been prophesied, the dimensions are merging and the stars are aligning.  We are the ones we've been waiting for.  We are the stellar volunteers who have come to experience this miraculous awakening and it is none but us, creating this shift in the here and now.  Compassion is the way.  Love and accept thy neighbor as thyself and love thyself as God.  Collectively we are just that.  We are Goddesses and Gods, we are the universe.  We are Light and we are reflections of Light.  We are that which we be and we are all that we perceive.  We are the one aligning with the one and expressing as one infinite fractal of perfectly reflective crystalline creator beings.  As we continue to integrate the dark and the light, masculine and feminine, Earth and the Heavens, we accept the truth that all that is - is indeed perfect and divine.  This acknowledgement of Self, integration of our aspects and awakening to Love, paves the way for our entry into the miraculous New Earth where divine energy abundantly flows to and through all that is in harmony, balance, sustainanence, inspiration, grace, freedom and ease.  

This sacred Solar Eclipse in fact provides a monumental opportunity for those of us who are ready, to merge into the Christed timelines of Unconditional Love & miraculous manifestation.  As our sun and moon dance together, simultaneously concealing light while illuminating darkness, we are being shown and reprogrammed on a crystalline level with pure truth.  We are being shown that we are each equally divine beings and that we are one with one another.  We are having our superhuman powers including psychic, telepathic and a plethora of manifestation and creation skills returned to us.  For those of you whom this message resonates with, we are being unified with source and one another.  This solar eclipse is serving as our cosmic graduation ceremony.  We are indeed being assimilated and welcomed into a new class of galactic stewards of our planet and universe.  

The time is now for us to walk in truth and light as sovereign unique beings, all-the-while having complete knowledge of our ever-present connection to Gaia, to Source, to Love, to one another and to all that is! Each breath is magic & every action is a miracle.  And so it is.

Meditate, pray, love and play.

Be in Peace and Joy!

Prince Charms

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