Sunday, October 15, 2017

New Holographic Templates Available


I AM Commander Neon, Pleiadian Emissary of the Galactic Federation of Light. I have recently completed some new fifth dimensional New Earth holographic energy templates that are now available for integration into reality, personal matrix and life.

Without further , here are the new templates:

Healing with Light - You can now instantly or near instantly heal any emotional or physical disease or condition with Light. Direct Sunlight is most effective. You can also use any of the various hues of light along with your intuition.

Healing with Water - You can now instantly or near instantly heal any emotional or physical disease or condition with Water. Drinking, applying or bathing in pure water with LOVE intention can now heal any condition. This can be enhanced by activating crystals in water with sunlight.

Global Communication - You can now instantly send messages and information using either light, or hydrogen. In the case of hydrogen, messages can be sent anywhere on planet via the hydrogen atoms in your atmosphere and water.

Homeopathic Eating - You can now live in perfect health from a simple diet consisting of pure water with an added drop or pinch of superfoods such as spirulina, ginger, sea salt and lemon.

Sun-gazing Breatharian - This template is in the process of being uploaded to the Akashic Ethers and will be available soon.

Artist Mastery - You can now instantly master an art or instrument.

Timeline Shift - You can now effortlessly jump timelines through breathing, vibration and intention. Timeline shifting or dimensional hopping changes aspects of perceived history, alters the energy of the NOW and creates a trajectory towards a new future of your choosing.

Animal and Plant Communication - You can now communicate instantly, effortlessly, clearly and telepathically with any plant or animal.

Prosperity - You can now attain funding and resources for your lifestyle and personal projects the need to work or physically earn such currencies. This template allows you to exchange your inherent Light Energy for any other expression of Energy.

Abundance - The treasures of your planet are now freely available to you in Abundance.

Free Energy - The ability to tap into and abundant energy stored within every atom and vibration of your matrix hologram is being made available to you. This template is being uploaded and will be accessible soon.

DNA Modification - You can now modify your DNA and physical appearance with intent, light or sound.

New Earth Family - You are now able to live in complete joy, harmony, prosperity, peace and freedom as a family without the need for authority, dependency or fixed roles. This template is available now.

Instant travel and teleportation - The ability for instant and rapid travel as well is is being worked on now. This template will dissolve the time-space matrix and will be uploaded to the Akashic Ethers as an update to the Timeline Shift template - soon.

World Peace - Your ability to travel within a safe and secure ball of Peace and white Light is now available.

Sovereignty - Your ability to live as a free hue-man being & Creator is now available. Your core power to create a universe of your choosing around you is restored and now available.

Neon PrinceEnvironmental Beauty - The ability to see Gaia as a completely healed and beautiful planet free of pollution and disease is now available. You are now able to travel throughout your planet seeing her beautiful, healthy, balanced and majestic form as it exists in her 5D template.

Unity - Your ability to connect with & see your reflection in any and every other being is now available.

These holographic templates have been or are being uploaded to the Akashic Ether. You are able to access, integrate, embody and co-create with these templates through your high-heart, breath-work & your loving intent to do so.

Aloha & Namaste,

Commander Neon <3