Wednesday, May 2, 2018

LightWorker Unification and Practical Quantum Awakening to New Earth

Aloha, what I'm about to share with you will surely sound crazy; however, as you listen, you'll soon
feel within your being that it is all true.

I guess i should tell you who I am and why I am here.
I AM Neon Prince & I am a 5th dimensional star fleet commander from your Ancient Future.  I am from a beatiful version of your future where there is peace, love, harmony, abundance balance, high technology and freedom.  I am also from the 6th, 7th, 9th and 12th dimensions.  As a time space traveller I can see many versions of you history and future.  From your future you can say that I am a Pleiadian emmissary.  In you past I have been known as an Alchemist and Ruler in Ancient Egypt and Atlantis.

Last night, I awoke at 2:44am to a rumbling earthquake that shook my home and sent powerfully activating vibrations through my core.  After meditation for some moments, i went back to sleep and astral travelled to a 7th dimensional Light Ship where I met with my team and learned that all is in place and that now is the time to activate. This is the first of many messages, chats, videos & live streams that I'll be having with you all.

As we proceed, I am here now to assist in the Awakening of humanity as we all go through a rapid process of evolution, activation of our magical DNA , healing, remembrance and returning to wholeness.  As a multi-dimensional being of Light, I can tell you that I Am a Lightworker & Starseed.  I AM here to bridge the Light & The Dark.

I am here to help guide us towards our future of brilliance and Oneness.  There are now millions of us truth seekers and starseeds here to be the change and bring about this great shift and it is time for us all to work together creating solutions and healing the ways of old.

There has been much pain & sufferring in this world and it has not come to be that way by chance.  Planet Earth is a special planet having free will and also being governed by many cosmic and other worldly forces.  For the past few thousand years, Earth has been manipulated by Dark forces.  The dark forces are multidimensional and I'll be sharing a lot about quantum realities in the near future. Basically there exists a dying ruling class of elite dark forces who have enslaved humanity by implanting false and limiting beliefs into our energy fields - mind control.  The biggest of these false beliefs has been separation.  Separation from Source/God, separation from nature and our planet, and separation from one another.

This mind control has been enacted and enforced through all aspects of society including government, education, entertainment, religion and the capitalistic financial system.  All of these systems are false, flawed and operated with sinister intention by the Dark Forces.  The vast majority of all conspiracies including and not limited to UFO cover-ups, satanic rituals & mind control technologies embeded in all aspects of life are true and must now be brought to light and come to an end.  Some examples of mind control are flouride in the water, chemtrails, commercial advertisements manipulations, negative news and media, the weaponization of food and an upside down healthcare system. As I have mentioned, it is time for us to see, understand and acknowledge these deceptions so that we can collectively see truth, light and bring about a culture of health and life.

With intention, understanding and by harnessing the infinite power of our collective mind, we can together heal the past and vibrate into a joyful, prosperous and harmonious future on this sacred planet.

There are some important truths that we must rember including the following. We must remember that we are all spiritual beings with unlimited power simply experiencing a version of the infinite world from within an illusory human vessel.  We must remember that separation is an illusion and that we are all ONE with source and with one another.  Remember that there is no force more powerful than the organizing power of our mind, consciousness and emotion.  And know that it is possible for us to create and experience a world of infinite peace, unity, prosperity and equality.

Not to share too many details of our future of Light with you at this moment, I do however encourage you to accept and believe that abilities such as telepathy, teleportation, psychic abilities, the harnessing of free energy and all variations of super-powers we see in comic books are possible.  Also know that we can create technology and society to advanced and integrated with nature that our buildings, structures and crafts are indistinguishable from nature itself.  Healing of all physical, mental and emotional ailments can also be achieved rapidly and non-invasively with the simple application of light, frequency or quantum intention.

Humanity is collectively Ascending with our Planet Gaia.  We are bringing in a New Age of Light. This process of Ascension will require us to activate and ground our Light into our bodies and planet while acknowledging and healing the dark.

As I have mentioned, all of humanity is one.  This means that even the highest agents of the dark are our brothers and sisters.  Through truth, compassion and unconditional love, we can heal and re-integrate the dark and the dark forces into the love of Light.

As we move into this new Era, we'll have the task of rebuilding all apects of our society including government, education, entertainment and economies to be in alignment with truth love and equality.

All judgments of one another based upon false beliefs regarding race, religion, sexual preference, culture and class must be resolved through love and acceptance.  Our future is that of free sovereign being.  We must understand and reconcile the limitations falsely imposed upon us through ideas of ownership and control.  It is time to be free and see what a beautiful creative playground this world can be.  We have enormous assistance in this sacred journey both on and off planet! I'll see you soon! I Love You.

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