Friday, February 2, 2018

A World Without Money And The Coming Age Of Abundance

There was a time when humanity lived in freedom and abundance. Eating fresh organic food from the trees, land and rivers, building from an abundance of natural resources, traveling the planet freely without borders, and living lives of leisure and the purpose of each's choosing. This was an Age of Light where humanity enjoyed an inherent prosperity through a sense of unity with the land and each other. This natural and harmonious way of living was shared with all of the plant and animal kingdom.

At some point in time, sentiments of separation grew within the human psyche. Separation allowed humans to falsely believe that we could 'own' trees, land and water - the means of production and the source of life itself. The idea that one could privately own a tree and restrict its fruits to only those willing to pay brought in the monetary system. The system of money is in fact a system of scarcity and slavery, requiring to work - or trade time and energy for a limited supply of money, which could then be traded for the fruits of the now treasures and resources of the world.

As humanity wakes up,becoming consciously aware of truth, the light begins to the dark absurdities which we have allowed to limit us all for thousands of years. A grand opportunity is before us as we now have the potential to reimagine and re-create our world in alignment with truth, abundance, unity and freedom.
We can re-align with nature, live in community, live in paradise and ALL be free. Technology has advanced to a point by which robots and automation can be employed to produce abundance of sustainable products for all of humanity to share. Airplanes, cars, food, clothing and even housing can be produced by high tech implementations requiring minimal human intervention. The key is to reclaim the means of production from private companies who are concerned with creating for profit and to re- these technologies & productions for the greatest good.

We can live in a world free of money where there is no work and is free. Imagine having 100% free time to do as you please while being able to shop at any food, clothing, car or consumer goods store wherein all items are communally produced and FREE. This is possible.

To get there, we will need to communitize factories, technology and all means of production. We will have to get rid of money as it is unnecessary. Money only creates classism, rich & poor, haves & have nots, and scarcity. It is also time to abandon copyright laws, national borders, competition and land ownership as we move to an egalitarian model of global collective cooperation. All innovations should be instantly globally for highest service to all of humanity.

Yes, we can create a world without work and everything can be free! With all humans having equal access to organic food, sustainable clothing, comfortable shelter, loving healthcare, rapid transportation, art, crafts and the natural treasures of planet Earth. Our world will surely become happier, safer and brighter each and every day. We all deserve paradise and we can create this New Age of Light right NOW.

What would you do with guaranteed comfort, community support, no competition or struggle for survival and 24 hours of free time each day? By not owning anything, we all everything. Without greed, lack and control, all families are supported with abundance and freedom. It is important for us to do away with the monetary prison matrix and explore the infinite of unity, cooperation and abundance.

This is the path to unlocking the full human potential. We are each artists and creators with a unique gift to share. The abundance and freedom a world without money or work brings is essential to individual self realization and development as we'll now have the time and resources to find and share our talents, ideas and gifts with the world.

The transition from to abundance (old Earth to New Earth) requires that we each learn to give freely and without expecting immediate returns. Each day we must do all we can to strengthen this culture of helping and giving to others. Also required is that we each embody a unity consciousness or an idea that we are each inseparable from the larger community or the whole. All religions of past have expressed this Golden Rule in some way: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. The ability to see our in one another and in nature will allow us to understand that - that which we do for others, in essence we are doing for . I believe this collective care and responsibility can come naturally as we are absolved from lack, competition and the suffering of separation.

In summary, we can choose now to live in authentic community, abundantly, freely, in celebration of one another and in harmonious connection to nature and to one another. With this coming abundance, we'll each be able to to live freely in high tech, eco-friendly and green cities or simplistically as earth tribe harmoniously nestled into the lush and pristine jungles of our planet. This global cooperation will bring about space-age quantum leaps in technology creating realities of near instant travel on and vehicles. We will have rapid non-invasive healing tech light and sound only. We will have free energy. We will all have access to near instant creation of goods via molecular, plasma and nano replicator devices. We will create a racially agnostic culture of unity and live as brother and sisters. We will also have the freedom & support to discover our hidden gifts, talents, psychic and dormant abilities. This coming age of abundance and technology will also usher in limitless exploration of our planet, oceans, solar system, galactic stars and beyond.

Moneyless World Roadmap:
  1. Give freely to family friends and neighbors. Share, share, share. Help create a culture of giving.
  2. Create online and physical spaces to give and share goods openly. No money, currency or trading. Only giving.
  3. Communitize gardens, organic food sources, land and all means of production as much as possible.

  4. Create larger community, city and national level initiatives to communitize the means of production and technology while abandon ownership, copyrights, currencies and borders.
Research #Paradism

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